
New Digital Programme Helps Northeast Scotland Tech Firms Grow

Eight digital tech businesses from across the northeast of Scotland have seen growth milestones under 东北机会’s Digital Business 增长 Programme.

These include launching new products, securing international contracts, and accelerating their growth ambitions for the sector.

The Digital Business 增长 Programme, 目前是第一批, sees the businesses undertake bespoke sessions to support development and create a high growth strategy. These sessions include leadership, building a culture of high-performance, 扩大规模的财务策略, brand strategy and international growth.

Each company also completes pitching and storytelling workshops, continuing with peer-to-peer learning in community sessions.

Businesses from the first cohort seeing success include STC Insiso, which has introduced new software products for different sectors; Solab IT, 这在很大程度上, multi-year contract wins; and Core 29, which has increased their team to support new and existing clients in the UK and overseas.

该项目, sponsored by partners Inoapps and Sword ITS, was launched earlier this year to accelerate growth among established digital tech businesses, with a focus on developing and implementing a growth strategy including new markets, new product development and building the team to deliver.

顶峰, one of eight businesses to take part, recently launched a new software product to improve operational efficiency in the construction industry. 首页CareApp helps homebuilders digitally snag, 标签, and track issues across developments to speed up property handover and deliver a digital-first customer support experience that outperforms less efficient, 传统的工作方式.

Managing Director at 顶峰 Kenny Steele said: “The concept for the product came about a couple of years ago in discussions with a national homebuilder about bottlenecks in their operations.

“The rate of digital acceleration due to Covid was the key enabler to push 首页CareApp forward and ONE’s Business 增长 Programme came at the right time to give us the focus and support to see it through to launch.

“该项目 was valuable in validating our approach and our product. A key learning aspect was the need to create a distinction between the overall leadership of the company and day-to-day operations to drive our team forward in the short-term while continuing to support our long-term ambition.

结果是, we changed the operational structure of the business splitting the MD and Operations Director roles to ensure equal focus on running the business as well as product development strategy.”

东北机会 (一), 节目背后是什么, is a private sector catalyst for economic diversification and renewal across 博天堂入口东北部.

ONE Digital Development Manager Jen Scott said: “It’s extremely encouraging to see eight north east companies build on their experience, create new products and have success in new markets as part of ONE’s Business 增长 Programme.

“This marks fantastic progress for the initiative which provides leaders with tailored support to capitalise on the opportunities ahead and scale their business.”

Recruitment is underway for the second cohort of businesses for the programme, 预计将于今年第四季度开始.

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